Save the file as secret.json in the same directory main.py is located in.You will want to open up a text editor (I recommend Sublime Text and provide it with your username and password, like this:.If you actually use this account I'd recommend getting another one as there is always the possibility it gets flagged for a terms of use issue. I had Chrome 66, which was causing some errors. Note I was getting errors when I first started experimenting and realized I didn't have a newer version of Chrome, you need to have at least Chrome 70. After that you will need to download and install chromedriver in the same directory the main.py file is located in.It should involve you downloading Pandas and Selenium which automates the web browser/python interaction.You can follow the instructions in his README.md file and put pip install -r requirements.txt in your shell like this: This is a well documented repo so the author has a requirements.txt file. You should have a directory with glassdoor-review-scraper in it now. Otherwise you can click on the clone/download tab and either git clone the web url or just download it and save it in your directory. If you have a github repo I would recommend doing that. Once you are there you will see the option to fork his repo in the top right.

The first thing you want to do is go to his glassdoor repository.